Enhancing Iris: Unleashing Potential with LangChain Integration

July 05, 2023

A modern living room with a smart home system integrated with Iris.


In the world of open-source projects, it's always exciting to see different technologies come together to create something new and powerful. This is exactly what happened when I integrated LangChain, a Python library for building language model applications, into Iris, a multilingual voice assistant. The result is a more powerful and versatile voice assistant that can leverage the capabilities of LangChain's 17+ toolkits, including the ability to perform web searches, mathematical calculations, and more. This integration opens up a world of possibilities for developers and users alike, and I'm excited to share it with you. If you're interested in contributing to this project, you can find Iris on GitHub.

Integration of Iris and LangChain

Iris, a multilingual voice assistant, has been a useful tool for many users, providing a unique blend of advanced AI capabilities and user-friendly interaction. However, we saw an opportunity to enhance Iris's capabilities even further by integrating it with LangChain.

LangChain is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features, including more than 17 different toolkits and the ability to use OpenAI's LLM and Chat models. By integrating LangChain into Iris, we can leverage these features to make Iris even more powerful and versatile.

The integration process involves replacing the existing chat feature in Iris with LangChain's ChatOpenAI class, which uses OpenAI's Chat models. We also added a ConversationBufferMemory to Iris, which allows the assistant to remember past interactions and provide more contextually relevant responses. Additionally, we incorporated several of LangChain's toolkits into Iris, including the SerpAPI for answering questions about current events.

The result of this integration is a more powerful and versatile Iris that can provide even more value to its users. In the following sections, we'll discuss the benefits of this integration and provide a detailed guide on how to integrate Iris and LangChain.

Benefits of Integration

The integration of Iris and LangChain brings several benefits that enhance the capabilities of Iris and provide a more enriching user experience.

  1. Enhanced Conversational Abilities: With LangChain's ChatOpenAI class, Iris can now leverage the power of OpenAI's Chat models. This allows Iris to understand and respond to user commands in a more conversational manner, providing more meaningful and contextually relevant responses.

  2. Memory Feature: The addition of ConversationBufferMemory allows Iris to remember past interactions. This feature enhances the conversational abilities of Iris by providing it with a context for its responses. It can remember past interactions and use this information to provide more relevant and personalized responses.

  3. Access to Current Events: The integration of the SerpAPI toolkit allows Iris to answer questions about current events. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to stay updated on the latest news and events.

  4. Increased Versatility: With access to LangChain's wide range of toolkits, Iris becomes a more versatile voice assistant. Users can customize Iris to suit their needs by adding or removing toolkits as required.

  5. Community Support: LangChain have active and growing communities. By integrating these two projects, we hope to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing between these communities.

In the next section, we'll provide a detailed guide on how to integrate Iris and LangChain.

Expanding Iris's Capabilities with LangChain

By integrating LangChain into Iris, we've unlocked a new level of functionality and versatility. Let's take a closer look at how this integration enhances Iris's capabilities.

from langchain import load_tools, ChatOpenAI, ConversationBufferMemory

# Initialize the chat model with OpenAI
chat = ChatOpenAI(
    model=config.get("settings", "chat_model"),
    temperature=float(config.get("settings", "temperature")),
    openai_api_key=config.get("api", "openai_api_key"),

# Load the tools specified in the configuration
tools = load_tools(parse_list(config.get("settings", "tools")))

# Initialize the memory buffer to remember the conversation context
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="memory", return_messages=True)

Utilizing a Variety of Tools: With the load_tools function, we can now harness the power of LangChain's diverse toolkit to extend the functionality of Iris. This means Iris can do more than just respond to user commands - it can perform a variety of tasks, such as web searches, using the tools we've loaded.

Context-Aware Conversations: By using ChatOpenAI and ConversationBufferMemory, Iris can remember past conversations and respond to user queries in context. This makes interactions with Iris more natural and meaningful.

Customization and Extensibility: The changes we've made to the code demonstrate how easily Iris can be customized and extended. This opens up a world of possibilities for you to explore, whether you're interested in building your own voice assistant or tailoring Iris to your specific needs.

With these enhancements, we hope to inspire you to explore the potential of voice assistant technology and to consider the exciting possibilities that Iris and LangChain can offer.

The Future of Iris with LangChain

The integration of LangChain into Iris is just the beginning. With LangChain's extensive toolkit, Iris can now perform a wider range of tasks and provide more detailed and accurate responses. For example, Iris can now use the "serpapi" tool to answer questions about current events, or the "math" tool to perform complex calculations. This makes Iris not just a voice assistant, but a powerful tool for information retrieval and problem-solving.

But the real power of this integration lies in its potential for future development. With LangChain's modular design, new tools can be easily added to Iris, allowing it to adapt and grow with the needs of its users. This could lead to innovative applications, such as integrating Iris with smart home systems, or using it as a tool for education and learning. The possibilities are endless, and I can't wait to see what the community will come up with. If you have any ideas or want to contribute, you can join us on GitHub.


The integration of LangChain into Iris represents a significant step forward in the development of open-source voice assistants. By combining the power of LangChain's language model applications with Iris's voice recognition and response capabilities, we've created a voice assistant that is not only more capable, but also more adaptable and extensible. This integration opens up a world of possibilities for developers and users alike, and I'm excited to see where it will lead us in the future.

For more information about LangChain and its toolkits, you can visit the official documentation. If you're interested in contributing to Iris or have any ideas for new features or improvements, feel free to reach out or contribute on GitHub. Together, we can make Iris even better.

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Written by Youngwook Kim Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish - Embarking on Infinite Adventures with Curiosity and Courage You should follow them on GitHub